Red Tape Product Categories on Amazon 2023

Vegan Certification on Amazon: More Than Just a Green Label

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Oct 15, 2024
A clack at 12:20
Vegan Certification on Amazon: More Than Just a Green Label

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The last of our “Red Tape Product” series is all about the VEGANS! There are several reasons why you might want to label your product as vegan or advertise its vegan qualities on Amazon:

  • Consumer Awareness: Many consumers are interested in purchasing products that align with their dietary choices and ethical beliefs. By labelling a product as vegan, it helps vegans and vegetarians easily identify items that meet their criteria.
  • Market Demand: The demand for vegan products has been on the rise due to increasing awareness about animal welfare, health, and environmental concerns. Being labelled as vegan can attract a larger customer base.
  • Transparency: Vegan labelling is a way for companies to be transparent about the ingredients used in their products, assuring consumers that no animal-derived ingredients are present.
  • Ethical and Environmental Considerations: Vegan products are often associated with reduced environmental impact and ethical treatment of animals. Being labelled as vegan can help companies appeal to consumers who prioritize these factors.
  • Cross-Category Appeal: Vegan products are not limited to just food items. There is a growing market for vegan cosmetics, clothing, and other consumer goods. Being labelled as vegan can help these products stand out in their respective categories.
  • Online Search and Filters: On e-commerce platforms like Amazon, customers often use filters and search terms to find products that meet their specific criteria. Being labelled as vegan can make it easier for customers to find your product when they use these filters or search terms.
  • Competitive Advantage: In a crowded marketplace, having a vegan label can give a product a competitive advantage by differentiating it from similar non-vegan products.

It's important to note that if a product claims to be vegan, it should genuinely contain no animal-derived ingredients or by-products. False claims can damage a company's reputation and may even lead to legal consequences.


We can offer 3 main ways to ensure that you are legitimately showcasing your vegan products to grab the customer’s attention, both on the front end for customers and the back end for SEO.


Firstly is to get certified with a governing body. Companies like “BeVEG” IS a global conformity assessment program for Vegan claims that standardises claims and defines Vegan in the most robust and credible way. BeVeg is the best Vegan certification trademark for companies looking to export globally (more details on that here). Others include:

  • Vegan Action
  • The Vegan Society
  • Certified Vegan (US)
  • Vegan Australia
  • The Vegetarian Society Vegan Approved (UK)
  • V-Label (EU)
  • VegeCert (Canada)

Once you receive your certificate you can add any of the logos to your listing pages. This includes your infographics, A+ Content and even Brand Story or Storefront! Its important to ensure you have the certifications BEFORE uploading to the detail pages as Seller Support can Suppress listings and you’ll need to show the certifications to get unblocked.

Another way you can add these to your listings is through SEO key search terms. Programmes like Helium 10 are great for searching the key terms that customers are searching in order to find vegan related products. So ensuring that your detail pages are SEO-friendly with vegan content is vital.


The second way to advertise vegan on your listing page and to add another level of credibility to your listings is through the Climate Pledge Friendly scheme. Amazon has a list of 40+ third-party certifications to help sellers inform customers of their pledge to preserve the natural world.  See the full list here.

Many vegan products on Amazon can also fit into the Bioland, EU Organic, Fairtrade International, Plant-Based Fiber Blended, Soil Association badges but note these must be on a product level, not brand level (e.g.B-Corp)

By including this badge on your detail page you can benefit from:

  • Visibility and Traffic: Average 10% increase in product page views
  • The CPF program offers 18 discovery features and advertising packages to drive customers to more sustainable products
  • Filtering results option: customers can filter their search to include only CPF-badged products.
  • Product Recommendations: customers receive recommendations on CPF products across their Amazon shopping experience.
  • Amazon will encourage customers to switch from conventional to more sustainable products.
  • Improved brand image, with products standing out against the competition
  • Retain and attract the increasing number of conscious shoppers on Amazon, they are likely to be loyal on the basis of a personal brand goals alignment.


Lastly, you can change the diet type on your listings to include “vegan” and or “vegetarian” for customers to see. However, these look a little different in the UK vs US. In the UK, you will note this is viewed as:

And in the US, it will look more like a “tile”:

You can add this in either marketplace in the back end of the listing (Manage Inventory> Edit> More Details> Diet Type> Select “Vegan”) or via a flat file upload.


In summary, being vegan certified on Amazon carries significant benefits. It's not just about slapping a green label on your product; it's a meaningful choice. It signals your alignment with a growing movement that values health, sustainability, and animal welfare. By obtaining vegan certification, getting a CPF Badge and adding the "diet type" to your listings, you assure your customers of your commitment to these principles and make it easier for them to find products that resonate with their values. So, embrace the vegan label, and let your products stand out for all the right reasons. 🌱

Our Amazon team is ready to help you succeed.

Book a discovery call with us today!

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