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JustWears is a pioneering London-based D2C brand, on a mission to revolutionise men's basics with a perfect blend of cutting-edge design and sustainable materials. Spearheading their collection is the flagship award-winning "Palace For Your Phallus™" underwear, crafted from premium Beech tree fibres and featuring their patented pouch design, which has gained widespread acclaim for its exceptional comfort and support. The brand's journey was highlighted on BBC's Dragons' Den, catapulting them to the forefront of the comfortwear revolution.
JustWears is in a highly competitive niche on Amazon, where leading competitors offer products at lower prices. The increasing Cost Per Click (CPC) on Amazon was also challenging in all marketplaces. Juggling to maintain the target Cost Per Action (CPA) and Total Advertising Cost of Sale (TACoS) and at the same time aiming to expand sales and reach more new-to-brand customers.
We carried out the following actions:
Overall sales grew by 64% YoY. (*Notes: Notes: This is based on Aug 21 – Jun 22 vs Aug 22- Jun 23 Overall Sales data)
Since we migrated (Sept 2022) and launched new campaigns through Perpetua, ad sales increased by 57%. (*Notes: This is based on Sept 21 – Jun 22 vs Sept 22- Jun 23 Ad Sales data)
SB and SD campaigns helped increased brand awareness thru increasing new-to-brand purchases from these campaigns.
The team at Sitruna have provided excellent guidance on how to sustainably grow our Amazon performance. It's clear they are experts in both the Retail and Media on Amazon, helping us navigate through content improvements, uploading new SKUs, creating promotions and optimising Ad campaigns, all resulting in growth within defined efficiencies. Our account manager is always quick to respond to questions and provides proactive updates, which is much appreciated!