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The Ultimate Guide to Amazon FBA Product Labelling

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Oct 15, 2024
A clack at 12:20
The Ultimate Guide to Amazon FBA Product Labelling

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Hey there, sellers! Today, we're diving deep into the Amazon packaging labyrinth, where rules are strict, labels are king, and confusion can reign supreme. But fear not, dear reader, for we are here to guide you through this packaging maze, armed with wit, wisdom, and maybe a dash of sarcasm. So, buckle up and let's make sense of those Amazon packaging requirements for FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)!

The Drama of Accurate Labelling – What Makes Them Important?

Okay, maybe "drama" is a tad dramatic, but you get our point. In the high-speed realm of e-commerce, where packages zip around the globe faster than you can say "Amazon Prime," accurate product labelling is the unsung hero of the shipping game. It's like the backstage crew of a Broadway show—essential for a smooth performance, even if it doesn't get the spotlight.

Smooth Sailing with Amazon: Ever wonder how Amazon manages to deliver your latest impulse buy faster than you can say "add to cart"? Well, friends, it's all about that accurate labelling. When every product is carefully labelled, Amazon's logistics wizards can work their magic, sorting, packing, and shipping with the efficiency of a well-oiled machine. On that note, call us Hogwarts because we have our own team of wizards doing what they do best in our very own 3PL warehouse, Sitruna Logistics!

Making sense of Amazon Packaging requirements for FBA

If you are going down the FBM route, it’s still important to make sure your packaging and labelling follow Amazon guidelines before posting your items to the buyer. However, if you are opting for the FBA route, there are two important elements to packing for FBA:

1. Individually Packaged Products: Picture this: your products, all snug in their individual packaging, ready to make their grand entrance into the world. Now, you've got two options here: you can either channel your inner packaging guru and do it yourself, or you can hand over the reins to Amazon (for a price, of course).

2. Bulk Delivery to Amazon FCs: Now, if you're sending your goodies off to the Amazon warehouse in bulk, it's time to get your packing game face on. Think of it like Tetris—except instead of fitting blocks together, you're fitting boxes and pallets according to Amazon's rules. Remember the wizards in our 3PL warehouse? Well, this stuff is right up their street, so feel free to book a discovery call now! They ensure boxes and pallets are packaged according to Amazon’s rules to enable tracking and processing of your orders.


The Wonderful World of Barcode Labels

Most importantly, your product requires a barcode. For FBA, you’ll need barcoded labels for your individual products and for your bulk delivery to the Amazon warehouse.

There are three types of barcodes available:

  1. Manufacturer barcodes (eligible barcodes include GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN or ISBN).
  2. Amazon barcodes (such as FNSKU).
  3. Brand owner only (some products may require additional identification to help prevent counterfeiting.

Within Seller Central, you can organise the labels and print them off. If you don’t have your own barcode system, you can apply for Amazon barcodes within Seller Central. 

That’s a lot of different barcodes - what on earth do they all mean!? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered:

  • Manufacturer Barcodes: These babies are like the golden ticket to the e-commerce chocolate factory. If your products already have barcodes printed on them by the manufacturer, you're in luck! Amazon usually defaults to these beauties, so sit back, relax, and let those manufacturer barcodes do the heavy lifting – no need to apply for an Amazon barcode label. 
  • Amazon Barcodes: Sometimes, Amazon likes to put its own stamp on things (literally). Enter the FNSKU barcode, Amazon's way of saying, "Hey, this product belongs to us now." You might need these bad boys for certain products, like ones with expiration dates or those prone to counterfeiters trying to rain on your parade.
  • Brand Owner Only: Some products are like the VIPs of the e-commerce world—they need that extra special treatment to prove they're the real deal. If your product falls into this category, make sure to dot your i's and cross your t's to keep those pesky counterfeiters at bay.


Mastering the Labelling Game

Now that we've waxed poetic about the importance of accurate labelling and FBA barcodes, let's talk nitty gritties; how do you actually master this essential aspect of online retail? Fear not, dear reader; we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeve.

  • Know Thy Enemy: Err, we mean, know Amazon's requirements. Familiarise yourself with their guidelines for labelling, from barcode placement to label dimensions. Boring, but oh-so-necessary.
  • Gear Up: Invest in some quality labelling equipment. Think barcode printers, label applicators—the whole shebang. Trust us, it's worth it.
  • Let Amazon Do the Heavy Lifting: Literally. Amazon offers a labelling service where they'll slap labels on your products for a fee. Sure, it might cost you a few extra pennies, but think of it as outsourcing the headache.
  • Quality Control, Baby: Establish some rock-solid quality control measures to make sure those labels are on point. Regular audits, spot checks—you name it. It's like being your own label detective, sniffing out any discrepancies in a barcode-filled mystery.
  • Tech it Up: Embrace the wonders of technology with inventory management software. It'll help you keep track of your products, manage stock levels, and generate accurate labelling information.
  • Train, Train, Train: Last but not least, make sure your labelling squad is up to snuff. Provide them with comprehensive training so they know the ins and outs of Amazon's labelling requirements to work their magic. Did we mention our team at Sitruna Logistics have never been known to miss a trick?


Wrapping It Up (Pun Intended)

In conclusion, accurate product labelling isn't just a necessary evil—it's the secret sauce that keeps the e-commerce machine running smoothly. By mastering the art of labelling and following Amazon's guidelines to a T, you'll not only avoid the dreaded shipping slip-ups but also keep your customers coming back for more. So go forth, fellow e-commerce warriors, and label with gusto! Need a helping hand? Don’t be shy; hit the button at the top of the page; we’re always happy to help!

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